Friday, December 11, 2009

Running in the snow...

I'm going out on a limb here and doing a blog update, even though it was within the last month that I last posted!! (Nobody said I was good at this!) I thought the contrast between my run last night and my run today was worthy of noting.

Last night my daughter Ali had dryland training for volleyball at our local rec center. There is a running track there, and like all respectable triathletes I figured I might as well make good use of my time and run while she "trained". Our track is 232.7 meters around. There is a soccer field, a gymnastics center and a gymnasium to look at below but not much to keep you entertained.

I started my run unsure of how long or far I would go. For lack of anything better to do I ended up doing my long run which, it turns out, was 18k and 1:30 long. One hour and 30 minutes of going round and round and round and round! At least we change directions every half hour. Still... it was mind numbing.

So... what was the difference today? Well, it was snowing, and cold and wintery, but I decided I needed to get outside and get some fresh air. It wasn't as cold as it has been, so I thought I'd try taking one Jack Russel with me and see how his feet held up.

Let me tell you... the running Gods were with me! Duncan (the Jack Russell terrorist) was able to run no problems! We met a beautiful Belgium German Shepard pup who he had a great run with, and he LOVED the snow!!! Then, I came home, got the other JR pup named Dexter, and we were off for another bit of running and fun in the snow! Dexter was a happy little camper too and no footy issues. What a GREAT day to decide to get out!!!

2 happy AND tired dogs, some wonderful fresh air, and an unexpected wonderful wintery run in the snow!!!! A pretty good way to end the week I'd say.

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